Fend is a cleansing system that helps you protect your coworkers by reducing the amount of aerosolized particles you exhale. Published peer-reviewed scientific studies of FEND show a 75-99% reduction of aerosols for up to 6 hours. Time Magazine has named it one of the best inventions of 2020.
We recently tested FEND over four days of a music video shoot in Los Angeles, produced by Say Whisky, to enhance their existing safety protocol, complementing CDC and industry best practices to prevent the transmission of illness on set. FEND was also tested and quantitatively assessed by the plant-based food company No Evil Foods in North Carolina.
FEND and the fitness tracker company WHOOP were collaborating in the collection of data from all the voluntary participants in the study to help evaluate and further understand the benefit of FEND on the suppression of exhaled aerosol particles that might carry pathogens.
FEND DID NOT AND DOES NOT REPLACE the CDC guidelines on mask wearing and social distancing.
The goal was to add an additional science-backed and cost effective layer of safety to the industry standards detailed in “The Safe Way Forward”, Hollywood's gold standard way to get back to work during the COVID-19 pandemic which already includes a zoning system for social distancing, mask wearing at all times and frequent viral testing.
Designed by aerosol scientist and former Harvard University professor David Edwards, FEND is used for nasal cleansing by deep nasal inhalation of a salty mist, generated by a hand-held Mister device. The FEND system cleans the air passages of the droplets of airway lining fluid we generate naturally as we breathe.
The use of FEND complements existing hygiene protocols and is a second line of defense for mask wearing, hand washing and social distancing.
A hygiene manager on-set administered FEND at regular intervals (approximately every 4 hours) throughout each day, tracked the members of the crew with a color system, and quantitatively assessed the reduction of exhaled aerosols for each individual following FEND administration.
We documented the protocol, helping coordinate the gathering of scientific data in cooperation with FEND's scientists and making the whole process as easy and low tech as possible. Our hope is that this protocol could be implemented in other work environments, like hospitals and schools, and help people get back to work in a safer manner.
All production staff were invited to participate in the voluntary study to observe first-hand how FEND helps to make a safer work environment for all staff, specifically for those who may come in close contact with the most vulnerable members of our team, the on-screen talent.
We recently tested FEND over four days of a music video shoot in Los Angeles, produced by Say Whisky, to enhance their existing safety protocol, complementing CDC and industry best practices to prevent the transmission of illness on set. FEND was also tested and quantitatively assessed by the plant-based food company No Evil Foods in North Carolina.
FEND and the fitness tracker company WHOOP were collaborating in the collection of data from all the voluntary participants in the study to help evaluate and further understand the benefit of FEND on the suppression of exhaled aerosol particles that might carry pathogens.
FEND DID NOT AND DOES NOT REPLACE the CDC guidelines on mask wearing and social distancing.
The goal was to add an additional science-backed and cost effective layer of safety to the industry standards detailed in “The Safe Way Forward”, Hollywood's gold standard way to get back to work during the COVID-19 pandemic which already includes a zoning system for social distancing, mask wearing at all times and frequent viral testing.
Designed by aerosol scientist and former Harvard University professor David Edwards, FEND is used for nasal cleansing by deep nasal inhalation of a salty mist, generated by a hand-held Mister device. The FEND system cleans the air passages of the droplets of airway lining fluid we generate naturally as we breathe.
The use of FEND complements existing hygiene protocols and is a second line of defense for mask wearing, hand washing and social distancing.
A hygiene manager on-set administered FEND at regular intervals (approximately every 4 hours) throughout each day, tracked the members of the crew with a color system, and quantitatively assessed the reduction of exhaled aerosols for each individual following FEND administration.
We documented the protocol, helping coordinate the gathering of scientific data in cooperation with FEND's scientists and making the whole process as easy and low tech as possible. Our hope is that this protocol could be implemented in other work environments, like hospitals and schools, and help people get back to work in a safer manner.
All production staff were invited to participate in the voluntary study to observe first-hand how FEND helps to make a safer work environment for all staff, specifically for those who may come in close contact with the most vulnerable members of our team, the on-screen talent.